
  • Educator Wellbeing Webinar

    by Narelle
    • Educator Wellbeing Webinar - $9.90

    It’s not hard to notice that many educators are feeling burnt out, down and perhaps even disillusioned within the sector at the moment. It can be easy to focus on the negatives.
    This 30 minute mini-webinar encourages educators to focus on their own wellbeing, positive mindset and to be mindful of things that are within our own control.

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  • Compliance in FDC Webinar

    by Narelle
    • Compliance in Family Day Care Webinar - $24.00

    Family Day Care Educators, this webinar is just for you and focusses on the practices you follow every day that keep children safe and ensure you are compliant with the Laws and Regulations applicable to Family Day Care.
    This webinar is a great ‘refresher’ for current educators and is perfect training for brand new educators beginning their Family Day Care journey.

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  • Nature and Aboriginal Perspectives

    by Narelle
    • Nature and Aboriginal Perspectives Webinar - Original price was: $24.00.Current price is: $19.20.

    We have had the privilege of meeting with Aboriginal Elders who were so generous in sharing culture with us and encouraged us to make steps towards embedding Aboriginal culture in a more everyday way.
    Towards this end; we have been given permission to share these steps with you, as you aim to connect children with nature more meaningfully. We are so excited to bring this webinar to you!

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  • Supporting Children's Behaviour

    by Narelle
    • Supporting Children's Behaviour Webinar - Original price was: $24.00.Current price is: $19.20.

    Educators often struggle to support children with behaviour and sometimes misinterpret the child’s attempts to communicate a need as ‘behaving inappropriately.’ Sometimes children do behave inappropriately as they don’t yet have the skills to communicate their needs effectively.
    This webinar will support educators to be able to identify and respond to the needs of children in a peaceful and helpful way. This session will also provide some simple strategies to support children to think and to make choices to support their agency.

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  • OSHC Safety & Active Supervision

    by Narelle
    • OSHC Safety & Active Supervision - $45.00

    Keeping children safe whilst in care is an absolute priority for each service, but more specifically, it needs to be a priority for each educator. This Online Training Course will explore safety and supervision in Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) and share specific strategies educators can embed in their practice.
    OSHC is a unique setting as groups of school aged children are together and are often a wide range of ages. This can pose some challenges to ensure that experiences and environments are suitable and SAFE for each age group.  Children of different ages and abilities will also need varying levels of supervision.

    Preview this course - (2 preview lessons)

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