Mandatory Reporting
Free PreviewA mandated or mandatory reporter is a person who has regular contact with vulnerable people and is therefore legally required to ensure a report is made when abuse is observed or suspected, or a vulnerable person might be at risk of abuse.
If a mandatory reporter fails to meet their legal obligation to report, they may be prosecuted.
Mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect | Child Family Community Australia (
In all States and Territories in Australia it is now mandatory for all educators over 18 working with children in an Education and Care setting to report all reasonable beliefs of child sexual abuse. Please refer to your own State/Territory guidelines in relation to reporting of other types of abuse and neglect as they differ from place to place in Australia.
Educators should follow service policies and procedures in relation to reporting. The Approved Provider should be made aware of any reports taking place and any allegations of abuse or neglect that impact the service as they will also need to report to the Regulatory Unit in their State/Territory.