Keeping children safe in care is an absolute priority

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Keeping children safe whilst in care is an absolute priority for each service, but more specifically, it needs to be a priority for each educator.

Supervision is one of the essential skills that all educators and support staff need to be demonstrating when working in Education and Care Services. Many injuries and incidents could be avoided with active supervision. Active supervision is a key component in keeping children safe.

This Online Training Course will explore safety and supervision in OSHC (Out of School Hours Care), and share specific strategies educators can embed in their practice.

Learning Outcomes
After completing this course, you should:

  • Understand the regulations and service expectations regarding safety and supervision in OSHC
  • Understand what is meant by Active Supervision
  • Understand your role in keeping children safe whilst in your care

This course will cover these elements of Quality Area 2:

How to complete this course
Study the information in each course Lesson and follow any links to additional readings.
Click the ‘Complete Lesson button to indicate a Lesson is complete and view the next Lesson in a course Module.
Correctly answer all questions in the Module Quiz to access lessons in the next course Module.
Click the ‘Complete Course’ button in the Conclusion Module to indicate you have completed the Course.
Access your Certificate of Professional Development for the course on your My Course page.

You mob are deadly
We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land and pay respect to elders past and present, they hold the memories, the traditions, the culture and the hopes of Australia’s First Peoples. We admire and acknowledge current Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who live, work in and contribute to indigenous cultural heritage. Heal Country!

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